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#WFH Compatible: Why We Need a Movement

You can’t ignore the growing prominence of working remotely in today’s Covid-19 landscape. The fact that a once emerging trend to work from home (WFH) has become mainstream, in a matter of days, is downright unbelievable.

Suddenly, the people that made up the office workforce are scrambling to set-up workspaces, at home. These new home offices are being interrupted by spouses, children and pets. Employees are left with less access to their network than ever before. As WFH becomes the new norm, businesses will be required to re-evaluate their budgets in order to support the new WFH reality.

For businesses that were born on the internet, like Oktopost, scalable and secure platforms have always been the order of the day. At Oktopost, we see opportunity for the SaaS industry to thrive in leading the way to a WFH compatible life-style.

What is WFH Compatible?

WFH Compatible is a self-certification that B2B SaaS companies can adapt in order to provide a peace of mind to customers and prospects alike. A business that considers itself WFH Compatible may:

  1. Create a dedicated page explaining why it’s WFH Compatible
  2. Place the WFH Compatible logo on its website and collateral
  3. Add the WFH Compatible logo to social media pictures

As businesses work to adjust to today’s times by empowering a remote workforce, Oktopost is launching #WFH Compatible. The mission is easy: SaaS companies everywhere lead the movement in defining work from home compatible solutions. And we need your help!

It’s time to Work From Home!

Since the time of hunters and gatherers, work spaces and living spaces were combined.  This allowed for the community to efficiently pool resources and effectively work together.

Yet, it wasn’t until thousands of years later, around the 20th century, that the first commercial workspaces transformed the way work was done. At that time, new inventions such as the telephone, the telegraph and the typewriter (precursors to the remote office communication tools used today) catapulted workforces forward.

Today, we are witnesses to how the rise in cloud-based SaaS technology has been transforming the advancement of future workforces. Here’s a look at the current situation:

With SaaS technology growing in sophistication, the challenge for many software providers is to keep the software simple so that remote personnel can get work done efficiently and easily, while simultaneously providing the functionality and interfaces to keep brands on the leading edge.

So where do we begin as working from home becomes mandatory over privilege?

Here are 5 WFH Compatible Requirements To Certify Your Software

  1. Accessibility to platform with basic internet connection
  2. Ability to provide governance and compliance
  3. Built to allow segregation of rights/access to data and functionality
  4. Supportive of in-app messaging/notifications
  5. Designed to visually display when users are online and using the app

When it comes to Social Media Management software, the Oktopost platform has been designed to be a marketable, manageable and measurable solution.

As the only social media management and employee advocacy platform architected for B2B companies, Oktopost enables marketers to improve lead generation and customer experience by:

  • Managing social content at scale
  • Tracking valuable business metrics
  • Integrating social data with the entire marketing ecosystem

We appreciate knowing our customers depend on technology, because their community depends on them.

Based on requirements, Oktopost is well-qualified as a certified WFH Compatible company. In particular, Oktopost is:

Brand Safe.

In many marketing teams, there is an approval process. This requires reviewing and editing social media posts and messages before they go out. With Oktopost, you can readily set up one or multi-step approval processes, called workflows. These flows are based on your requirements and designed to help team members collaborate, review and approve social media content with ease.

Being remote means you are going to want to enforce compliance with your marketing and communication policies. It also means preventing employees from misusing social media. Oktopost allows you to define specific keywords and phrases that will be banned from using in posts and replies throughout the account.

Oktopost’s Roles and Permissions allow you to define your team members’ level of access within the platform. Every account user is assigned a specific role. Each role has certain functionalities. Only approved users may access the brand’s social media accounts to ensure social media voice and messaging are aligned with brand guidelines.

For tips on building a social media policy for a remote workforce, click here.

Team Safe.

To perform at its peak, a workforce needs a defensible platform. Oktopost is 100% web-based, empowering Oktopost Users to work from anywhere at any time without needing to download, install, or update the platform. With an average 99.99% uptime, the Oktopost platform is easily accessible from any device that is connected to the internet.

During these times, connection is key. Whether sharing content across corporate channels or participating as an employee advocate, by default, Oktopost will send email alerts to employees when certain events happen in your account. This guarentees all team members are updated at the right time and in real-time.

The social inbox will aggregate all inbound social conversations to one place. This gives team members the ability to manage and track responses at scale. Whether answering support or sales related questions, or routing conversations to the right representative, Oktopost has you covered.

Every action taken in-regards to an assigned conversation will be visible on the Audit Trail. Teams are able to see when fellow users are online to ensure conversations go to available team members. Once a conversation is assigned, several notifications are sent both through email and in-app notifications to keep everyone informed.

Budget Safe.

For businesses interested in achieving long-term financial predictability and stability, an investment in using a B2B social media management platform, like Oktopost, will single handedly improve your investment in marketing automation.

Oktopost is an ROI positive platform. By connecting marketing automation platforms to Oktopost, your social lead data will no longer be siloed.

It will be synced automatically without any manual input and give you the opportunity to create a single view of your prospect’s journey and their multiple interactions. Consequently, you can leverage this data through smarter lead scoring and nurturing programs, driving sales down the pipeline. And if you’re looking to survive during this uncertainty, this is an especially important advantage to have on your side!

from Oktopost


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  2. Sharing business wins is another great way to boost engagement. If you’ve achieved something outstanding, it’s worth letting others know. It’s not necessarily showing off, it’s a platform to showcase what you’ve been working on, why it’s important and how it benefits the business. Read: working from home communication tips.


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